Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Nuusbrief 2013

Liewe Kliënte en Assosiate                                                                               Desember 2013

2013 is amper op sy einde en dis weer tyd vir ons jaarlikse nuusbrief. Ons praktyk is elke jaar opgewonde om die hoogtepunte van die jaar met julle te deel.

‘n Hartlike welkom aan al ons nuwe kliënte, ons glo en vertrou ons sal dieselfde waarde kan toevoeg en langtermynverhoudings handhaaf soos met ons bestaande kliënte. Al ons nuwe kliënte is verwysings. Baie dankie vir die vertroue en ondersteuning.

Ons het weer kliënte wat afgetree het hierdie jaar. Ons wens julle voorspoed toe vir hierdie fase in jul lewens en wil julle aanmoedig om die nuutgevonde en welverdiende tyd effektief te gebruik tot voordeel van die gemeenskap en ander se lewens.
Baie dankie vir al die kliënte wat hulle halfjaarlikse of jaarlikse hersieningsafsprake so getrou nakom. Dit is vir ons belangrik om julle portefeuljes en behoeftes te hersien en aan te pas in ‘n omgewing wat voordurend verander. Laat weet ons asseblief in geval van enige veranderinge in julle situasie, veral voor ‘n hersieningsafspraak, sodat ons dit ook in ag kan neem met die afspraak.

Ons is baie trots op ons kliënte wat hul studies voltooi het. Indien julle op soek is na werksgeleenthede stuur julle CV’s vir ons aan sodat ons dit na potensiële werkgewers kan aanstuur. Voorheen kon ons al help met suksesvolle aanstellings.

Ons waardeer en moedig terugvoering aan om ons praktyk voortdurend te verbeter. Baie dankie vir die e-posse wat ons deurgaans ontvang.

Antoni het ‘n sigblad vir ons beleggingskliënte ontwerp om fondsprestasies en groei duidelik uit te beeld. Ons kry baie goeie terugvoering. Ons Finansiële Behoefte Ontledingsprogram (F.N.A.) is ook uitgebrei wat kliënte se finansiële doelwitte en behoeftes ontleed.

Ons dink aan die families wat deur egskeidings gegaan het hierdie jaar. 
Ons is hartseer met die afsterwe van Oom Raymond la Grange met wie ons 15 jaar saamgewerk het – dit was ‘n voorreg om Tannie la Grange en familie te kon bystaan met sy siekte en afsterwe. Dankie vir Marius se mooi bedankingswoorde by die roudiens.
Ons dink ook aan die Laing-familie met hulle verlies en wens hulle alles van die beste toe.
Sterkte aan almal wat met ernstige fisiese of geestelike siektes gediagnoseer is - ‘n spoedige beterskap vir julle.

Tannie Sarie Lombard is skielik na ‘n val met Alzheimer’s gediagnoseer en in Geluksoord opgeneem. Voor die siekte het sy gedurig bejaardes wat nie self kan bestuur nie vervoer na klinieke. Sy het elke week die gimnasium besoek en geswem op 83 jarige ouderdom.
Voor Oom Raymond la Grange se dood het hy getrou pasiënte na die Wynberg Millitêre Hospitaal vervoer. Hy het deurgaans mense bygestaan en was 77 jaar oud.
Baie dankie, julle is ‘n voorbeeld en inspirasie vir ons almal.
Ons het by ons sakekamer aangesluit en raak betrokke deur maandeliks ons strande skoon te maak en met ander liefdadigheids inisiatiewe. Ons moedig julle aan om soortgelyke projekte aan te pak.

2013 terugblik
Ons is baie opgewonde oor ons nuwe webtuiste – www.tvzfinancialservices.co.za. Besoek ons gerus en lewer kommentaar op ons Facebook bladsy. Baie dankie vir Tina Vlok (www.berryweb.co.za) vir al die harde werk. Ons het ook ons kliënte leêrs verpersoonlik.

Ons hou tred met die voorskriftelike studies en werkswinkels om op hoogte te bly met veranderinge in die bedryf. Voorspoed aan Antoni wat sy studies wil voorsit in 2014 as ‘n Finansiële en Beleggings Analis.

Die belastingaanslae is suksesvol ingedien en afgehandel. E-filing is ‘n aanwins en groot verbetering op vorige jare se prosesse. Hierdie jaar het SARS meestal kliënte met motortoelae en hoë motoruitgawes geoudit. Hou asseblief julle logboeke op datum en stuur jul belastingdokumentasie na ons so spoedig as moontlik om die aanslae vroegtydig vir volgende jaar af te handel.
As gevolg van veranderde wetgewings vir belastingpraktisyns sal ons moontlik nuwe ooreenkomste in die toekoms moet aangaan, ons sal julle op hoogte hou.

Baie dankie vir Elmarie vir haar harde werk met die oorneem van Hannes Borman se kliënte met sy aftrede.
Gerugte doen die rondte dat die tradisionele versekeraars soos Mutual & Federal en Santam onder finansiële druk is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van makelaars wat kwantiteit in plaas van kwaliteit bemark. Ons praktyk se beleid is om die beste, nie noodwendig die goedkoopste, produk vir ons kliënte aan te bied.

Statistieke bewys dat tradisionele versekeraars ten minste ‘n 70% eise uitbetalingsverhouding handhaaf teenoor 52% by direkte versekeraars. Goedkoper premies kan jou dus duur te staan kom op eise stadium, juis die doel van versekering.
Vir ons eie integriteit en etiese redes verkoop en bemark ons nie sekere maatskappye se produkte nie. Ons werk slegs met maatskappye wat ‘n goeie geskiedenis met eise uitbetalings handhaaf. Maak seker die goedkoper versekering bied dieselfde dekking as jou huidige versekering.

Ons sal julle elke jaar kontak met hernuwing om jul polis te bespreek maar indien enige iets vooraf verander kontak ons asseblief.

Vir navrae tydens die Kerstyd wanneer ons kantore gesluit is:
Mutual & Federal kliënte              Tel: 021-506 0100 (Eise)
Tel: 0860 247 365 (Na ure noodgevalle)
                                                Tel: 0860 637 373 (Navrae)
Santam                                    Tel: 0860 505 911 (Eise en na ure noodgevalle)
                                               Tel: 0860 726 826 (Alle navrae en wysigings)
Auto & General                          Tel: 021-527 8666 (Alle eise, navrae en wysigings)
                                                Tel: 0860 104 210 (Na ure noodgevalle)
Boedels/ testamente
Met ‘n werklike gevallestudie is ‘n kliënt se testament by die bank na vier verskillende boedelbeamptes aangestuur voordat ‘n boedelbeampte aangewys is. Dit ly tot vertragings met die afhandeling van die boedel. Maak seker julle testament word jaarliks hersien. Dieselfde bank was nie bereid om enige afslagte te gee op eksekuteursfooie nie. Ons werk met gerespekteerde prokureurs wat die testamente opstel en sonder kostes stoor. Kontak ons gerus vir verdere navrae.

Daar is ook gevalle waar ‘n geliefde tot sterwe gekom het en die naasbestaandes nie die testament, of ander persoonlike dokumentasie soos die huweliksertifikaat, ens. kon opspoor nie. Bêre al die dokumentasie bymekaar of ons kan dit ook elektronies namens julle stoor. Dit sal tyd en frustrasie spaar wanneer eise hanteer moet word.

Dankie vir Visagie, Vos en Vennote en ons produkverskaffers se regsadviseurs, in besonder Petri Lourens, vir julle kundigheid en persoonlike diens.

Beleggings/ welvaartskepping
2013 is gekenmerk deur volgehoue lae rentekoerse en goeie aandele prestasies. Ekonome voorspel dat opbrengste swakker gaan wees in 2014 en rentekoerse gaan in die laaste kwartaal styg. Dit is ons grootste uitdaging om die beste en mees suksesvolle fondsbestuurders te kies. Statistieke wys dat kliënte met adviseurs gemiddeld 1,8% beter opbrengste per jaar behaal as wanneer beleggings self bestuur word. Ons is trots en dankbaar dat ons die persentasie met gemak klop.
Ons portefeuljes het as volg presteer:
Matig aggressief
Dankie vir die konsultante, fondsbestuurders en veral Antoni in ons kantoor vir die harde werk en bystand. Julle is welkom om persone naby aftrede te verwys vir ‘n gratis voorlegging. Kliënte op aftrede het beslis professionele hulp nodig om die regte keuse uit te oefen. Die verkeerde advies/ besluit kan verreikende gevolge hê.

Lewens-/ ongeskiktheid/ trauma voordele
In 2012 het die bedryf R263,2 miljard se eise uitbetaal. Slegs R699,9 miljoen se eise is nie uitbetaal nie, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van bedrog en wanvoorstellings. Ons kan met trots sê geen kliënt se eis by ons is al afgekeur nie. Wees dus geduldig met ons met die mediese vereistes, ons sal graag ons rekord wil behou in ons kliënte se belang.

Dit is onder ons aandag gebring dat sekere adviseurs steeds kliënte se polisse elke twee jaar (nadat hulle volle kommissie ontvang het) vervang met nuwe polisse. Daar is wel nuwe generasie produkte wat beter is as die ou produkte, en word dan geskuif in die kliënte se belang. Kry ‘n onafhanklike mening en rapporteer by die FSB as daar onreëlmatig opgetree word.

Ons het opgetel met die nagaan van kliënte se bankstate dat kliënte begrafnispolisse en hospitaalplanne besit waarvan hul nie bewus is nie. In sekere gevalle is daar, sonder die medewete van die kliënte, werknemers van die betrokke maatskappye as begunstigdes aangestel. Gaan asseblief julle bankstate noukeurig deur, of laat ons dit saam met julle doen met ons jaarlikse hersieningsafspraak.

Daar is baie bemarkingsmateriaal wat fokus op premie terugbetalings na ‘n aantal jare. Wees asb. versigtig vir hierdie produkte, aangesien daar baie voorwaardes betrokke is met sulke uitbetalings. Ons het ook gevind dat in die meeste gevalle is die maandelikse premies heelwat duurder as normaalweg. As ‘n kliënt die verskil in premie belê oor dieselfde termyn, sal die kliënt hoogswaarskynlik meer geld terugkry as die uitbetaling, en dit is nie voorwaardelik nie.

Ons werkslas het aansienlik toegeneem met versoeke vir bewys van inkomstes vir onder andere munisipale rekenings wat ons halfjaarliks of jaarliks moet stuur, dikwels op kort kennisgewing.

Janneri is weer voltyds terug na haar kraamverlof en Elmarie werk tussen 12h00 – 16h00. Ons dogter, Kirsten help ons weer deeltyds uit met ons werkslas tot sy haar studies voltooi. Ons kleindogter, Anja, is gebore op 29 Desember 2012 en bring ons groot vreugde.

Ons kliëntebasis groei steeds jaarliks. Baie dankie vir elke kliënt se aandeel hierin, ons waardeer elkeen van julle.
Ons is positief en sien uit na 2014. Ons kantore sal gesluit wees vanaf 23 Desember en sal heropen op 6 Januarie 2014. Ons gaan die kort ruskansie gebruik om die ‘batterye te herlaai’.

Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoedige nuwejaar!
Baie groete
Van ons almal by Toni van Zyl Finansiële Dienste

News letter 2013

Dear Clients and Associates                                                                             December 2013

2013 has almost come to an end and it’s time for our annual newsletter. Every year we look forward to sharing the highlights of the past year with you.

A warm welcome to all our new clients.  We trust we can provide the same value and achieve the same long-term relationship, as with our established client base. All our new clients are referrals. We appreciate the trust and support.

Again we have clients who retired during the past year. We wish you the best with the upcoming new phase and would like to encourage you to use the new-found and well-deserved time to the benefit of the community and other peoples’ lives. 

Thank you to all the clients who always make time for their biannual or annual appointments. It is important for us to review your portfolios and financial needs, to make revisions in an ever-changing environment. Please confirm if your situation has changed in any way, especially before an appointment, for us to take the changes into consideration.

We are proud of our clients who completed their studies. For those of you who haven’t received an offer yet, e-mail your CV’s to us and we can try to forward it to potential employers. We are proud to have assisted in successful appointments previously.

We appreciate and encourage feedback to constantly improve our practice. Thank you for all the e-mails we receive consistantly.

Antoni designed a spreadsheet for our investment clients to view fund performances. The feedback has been great. We also upgraded our Financial Needs Analysis program (F.N.A) to determine our clients’ financial goals and needs.

Sad News
We are sad about the passing of Oom Raymond la Grange, whom we’ve known for 15 years – it was a privilege to assist Tannie la Grange and the family with his illness and passing. Marius, thank you for the kind words at the funeral.
We are thinking of families who went through a divorce during the past year. 
Our thoughts are also with the Laing family with their loss and wish you all the best.
A speedy recovery to all those who were diagnosed with a serious physical or mental illness. 

Tannie Sarie Lombard was suddenly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and admitted to Geluksoord after a fall. Before her illness she transported the elderly, who couldn’t manage on their own, to clinics. She went to the gym to swim every week at the age of 83 years.
Before Oom Raymond la Grange’s death, he transported patients to the Wynberg Millitary Hospital. He assisted people everywhere he could and was 77 years of age.
Thank you for being an inspiration and example to us all.
We joined our business forum and got involved in cleaning our beaches monthly and also with other charity initiatives. We encourage you to also take on similar projects in aid of the community.

Reflecting on 2013
We are excited about the launch of our new website – www.tvzfinancialservices.co.za. Please visit us and comment on our Facebook page. Thank you to Tina Vlok (www.berryweb.co.za) for all the hard work. We also personalised our client folders.

We keep up with the prescribed studies and workshops to stay up to date with the ever-changing industry. We wish Antoni good luck with the continuation of his studies as a Financial and Investment Analyst, in 2014.

Tax assessments
The tax assessments are submitted and finalised. E-filing is an asset and big improvement on previous procedures. SARS has done audits mostly on clients with vehicle allowances and steep vehicle expenses. Please keep your log book up to date and forward the tax documentation as early as possible, to enable us to submit the assessments in good time next year.
Due to changing legislation for tax practitioners, we might perhaps have to make alternative arrangements in the future, but we will keep you updated.

Short-term insurance
Thank you to Elmarie for her extra effort in the takeover of Hannes Borman’s clients, due to his retirement.
Rumours have it that tradional insurers like Mutual & Federal and Santam are under financial pressure, mainly due to brokers promoting quantity instead of quality. Our team’s policy is,however, to offer the best, not necessarily the cheapest, products to our clients.

Statistics confirm traditional insurers maintain at least a 70% claim payment ratio,compared to the 52% of direct insurers. Cheaper premiums can, therefore result in losses during claims, which is ultimately the main reason for taking insurance. We don’t promote certain companies’ products, due to our own integrity and for ethical reasons. We only deal with companies that maintain a respected claims history. Before opting for cheaper insurance, make certain that they offer the same coverage as your current insurance, or you may be the loser in the long run.
We will contact you with the annual renewal to discuss your policy but in case your situation changes please contact us immediately.

For enquiries during the Festive season when our office is close:
Mutual & Federal clients     Tel: 021-506 0100 (Claims)
Tel: 0860 247 365 (After hours emergencies)
                                      Tel: 0860 637 373 (Enquiries)
Santam                         Tel: 0860 505 911 (Claims and after hours emergencies)
Tel: 0860 726 826 (Enquiries and amendments)
Auto & General                 Tel: 021-527 8666 (All claims, enquiries and amendments)                                                                   Tel: 0860 104 210 (After hours emergencies)

With a real life case study, a client’s will with the bank was sent to four different agents, before an agent was appointed to deal with the Deceased Estate. This results in delays with the finalisation of the estate. Ensure that your will is reviewed annually. The same bank was also not willing to give discounts on Executor’s fees. We work with respected attorneys, who can draw up and keep the Will for safekeeping without charging fees. Please contact us, should you have further more enquiries in this regard.

There were also cases where a loved-one passed away and the relatives couldn’t find the will, or other personal documentation like the marriage certificate. Keep all the documentation in one folder or we can store it electronically on your behalf. This will save time and frustration when a claim must be submitted.

Thank you to Visagie, Vos and Partners and the legal advisors of the product providers, in particular Petri Lourens, for your expertise and personal service.

Investments/ creation of wealth
2013 was characterised with constant low interest rates and good share performances. Economists predict lower returns in 2014 and interest rates could increase in the last quarter. Our biggest challenge is to choose the best and most successful fund managers. Statistics show that  clients working with advisors receive, on average, 1,8% better returns per annum than clients managing their own investments.
We are proud and grateful that we beat this percentage with ease.

Our portfolio performed as follows:
Risk Profile
Moderately aggressive

Thank you to our consultants, fund managers and in particular Antoni from our office for the effort and support. Clients on the verge of retirement do, indeed, need professional assistance to make the correct decision. The incorrect advice/ decision can have far-reaching consequences. You are welcome to refer any person close to retirement, for a free presentation.

Life cover/ disability/ severe illness benefits
In 2012 the industry paid claims to the value of R263,2 milliard. However, R699,9 million claims were not paid, mainly due to fraud and misrepresentation. We can proudly confirm not one of our clients had a claim rejection yet.  Please, therefore, be patient with us while we ensure the medical requirements are met, as we would like to keep the good rejection-free record, to the benefit of our clients.

It came under our attention that some advisors still replace policies every two years with new policies (after the full commission has been received). There are, however, new generation policies which are better than the old products and must, therefore, be replaced to benefit the client. You should obtain an independent opinion in this regard and report any irregularity to the FSB.

We reviewed bank statements of some clients who had funeral policies and hospital plans of which they weren’t aware. In some cases, employees of the companies were nominated as the beneficiary, without the knowledge of the client. Please review your bank statements carefully, or we can assist you during our annual appointment.

As there is an increasing amount of marketing material focussing on premium paybacks after a certain number of years, please be cautious, as there are usually a number of conditions in respect of such paybacks. We have also found that the monthly premiums are usually more expensive than normal. If the client invests the difference in premium over the same period, the client would most probably receive a better return (payback), without the applicable conditions.

Our work-load increased this year, due to requests for proof of income for, among others,               municipal accounts, which must be done biannually or annually, and often on short notice.

On a personal note
Janneri is working full-time again after her maternity leave and Elmarie is working between 12h00 – 16h00. Our daughter, Kirsten assists us part-time to help with our work-load, while finishing her studies.
Our grandchild, Anja, was born on 29 December 2012 and brings us great pleasure.

Our client base is still growing each year and we would like to thank each and every one of you for the part you have played in our success - we really appreciate your support.

We are positive and look forward to 2014. Our offices will be closed from 23 December and will re-open on 6 January 2014. We will use the short break to ‘recharge our batteries’.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!
Kind regards
From all of us at Toni van Zyl Financial Services