Friday, March 10, 2017

Newsletter March 2016

Dear clients and associates,                                                                                                                                               

We are thankful 2017 has been very positive so far in comparison with the previous year. In February 2016 South Africa’s economy was still in shock after the “Nenegate” debacle, a shock that put our currency and markets under enormous pressure.
The Rand exchange has since achieved outstanding growth against the major world currencies and the markets is steadily recovering. Many economists have predicted inflation has already started declining and interest rates will be reduced by the end of the year.

            The below table is a comparison of the exchange rate and JSE performance over the last 2 years.

28 Feb 2016
28 Feb 2017
JSE ALSI 1 Year performance
(27/2/2015 – 26/2/2017)
(26/2/2016 – 13/1/2017)

Budget 2017  
This year’s budget speech was slightly more optimistic compared to 2016, but a few tax increases were announced which could have a direct impact on the consumer’s disposable income. The Treasury is also determined to continue cutting government spending, thus there is speculation that certain government employees might soon be offered severance packages. If you have been or is aware of anyone else who have been offered a severance package, please contact us urgently for advice, as the wrong decision now can have severe negative tax and other implications in the short and long term.

Please see below a few important increases as announced by Minister Gordhan:
  • Individuals earning more than R1.5 million per annum will pay 45% on income tax.
  • The general fuel levy will increase by 30c/Liter and 9c/liter for the road accident fund levy. 
  • Dividend withholding tax has increased from 15% to 20%.
  • Consumers of alcohol and tobacco products can also expect to pay 6%-10% more.
Luckily there is also a few tax benefits that can be utilized to your advantage :
  • Properties to the value of R900 000 can be purchased with no transfer duties payable. 
  • The limit on tax-free investments have increased from R30 000 to R33 000 per annum. Please feel free to contact us for more information on how you can utilize this benefit to its full potential. 
  • Up to 27.5% of all retirement contributions can be claimed back from tax. Taxpayers that fall in the highest tax bracket can claim up to R350 000 back of their retirement contributions from tax. The social grant for pensioners was recently increased to R1600 per month for persons over 60 years and R1620 per month for persons over the age of 70. This amount falls far short in comparison with the real cost of living in South Africa. Thus, retirement planning is not only a smart way for tax relief, but also a necessity.  
  • Majority of taxpayers can expect to pay less income tax in the next financial year. 

 Below table shows what taxpayers in certain brackets can expect to pay in the 2017/18 tax year.
Taxable income
2016/17 Rates
2017/18 Rates
Tax adjustment (R)
% adjustment
R150 000
R13 500
R13 365
R300 000
R49 780
R49 348
R500 000
R116 460
R115 824
R750 000
R213 431
R212 490
R1000 000
R315 931
R314 990
R1500 000
R520 931
R519 990
R2000 000
R725 931
R744 990

Please remember the tax year commenced on 1 March 2017, so be sure to keep your logbook up to date, save all invoices/receipts and keep record of all medical expenses to ensure that the tax return process is as smooth as possible with the onset of the tax season.

Investments and creation of wealth
2016 was truly a unpredictable year for the markets, but as mentioned before, it seems that things are turning around. Below tables indicate how unpredictable the markets were in 2016. Both tables indicate funds with high equity exposure which performed well over a long period, but completely under performed in 2016.

Top 3 fund positions over 3 year up to Dec 2015
Position in 2016
Nr 1

Nr 102
Nr 2

Nr 92
Nr 3

Nr 98
Top 3 funds in 2016
Position over 3 years up to Dec 2015
Nr 1

Nr 103
Nr 2

Nr 101
Nr 3
Nr 78 (*fund inception was 1 Nov 2013)                             

Above just again emphasizes that no one can accurately predict market performance. Along with top fund managers, we at TVZ are convinced wealth creation can only be achieved through
  •  sufficient diversification,
  •  the use of recognized fund manager with outstanding track records over the long term,
  • sticking with your investment strategy/plan through the good times as well as times with weaker growth,
  • not making emotional decisions.

Risk cover: Life-, Disability- and Severe illness cover
We can not emphasize the importance of risk cover enough: thus we encourage all our clients to consult us about proper death, disability and severe illness cover for you and your loved ones. We recently handled a client’s severe illness claim who was diagnosed with cancer. Luckily the cancer was detected and treated early. The severe illness claim was paid to the client in full without delay. As of 1 April 2017 new regulation will be introduced to limit medical gap cover policies. Thus, besides the emotional impact that severe illness can have on you and your loved ones, it can also have a devastating financial impact without the correct cover. Please feel free to contact us for a comprehensive financial needs analysis.

Short-term insurance
2016 was a great year for our short term division. 90% of all claims was paid out, the claims that were declined were for items that were not insured. We want to remind clients to check that all necessary items are covered. If you are under-insured, the insurance company will not pay out the full amount. We are approached regularly by clients wishing to leave direct insurance companies. One big reason for this is poor service from call centres. Sometimes the premium might be lower than what the larger insurance companies offer, but there are various excesses that are added to the policy that can easily be overlooked. At TVZ you know exactly who you are dealing with and we act as your intermediary, thus you don’t have to speak to a different person every time you make contact.  Also the insurance companies we partner with does not add unnecessary excess fees. It is our duty to ensure our client understands the policy contract in its entirety. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries regarding short-term insurance.

Let’s aim to save in 2017, think twice before adding unnecessary expenses; work towards reducing debt; save for retirement, unforeseen circumstances, and also our dependents and very important, let’s save water, our most valuable asset.
Please feel free to visit our website,, or Facebook page for information regarding market conditions, news of the insurance industry or to leave a comment. We are well aware that “word of mouth” is still one of the most effective methods of marketing, so you are welcome to refer your friends, family and colleagues for a financial needs analysis, free of charge.

Kind Regards,
From all of us at Toni van Zyl Financial Services

Nuusbrief Maart 2017

Geagte kliënte en assosiate,                                                                                                                                             
Ons is dankbaar dat 2017 baie positief afgeskop het, inteenstelling met verlede jaar. In Februarie 2016 was Suid Afrika se ekonomie nog in skok na die “Nenegate” debakel, `n skok wat ons geldeenheid en markte onder geweldige druk geplaas het.
Die Rand wisselkoers het intussen die afgelope jaar uitstekend teen die vernaamste geldeenhede presteer en die markte is stadig maar seker besig om te herstel. Menigte ekonome voorspel dat inflasie besig is om af te neem en dat rentekoerse teen die einde van die jaar verlaag sal word.  
          Die tabel hieronder is `n vergelyking van die wisselkoers en die JSE oor die laaste 2 jaar.

28 Feb 2016
28 Feb 2017
JSE ALSI 1 Jaar opbrengs
(27/2/2015 – 26/2/2017)
(26/2/2016 – 13/1/2017)

Begroting 2017  
Die jaar se begroting was ietwat meer optimisties in vergelyking met 2016, maar daar was `n paar belasting verhogings wat die verbruiker se besteebare inkomste  in 2017 kan beïnvloed. Die departement van Finansies is ook vasbeslote om die regering se spandering te beperk, so daar word bespiegel dat pakkette binnekort aan sekere staatsbeamptes aangebied kan word. Indien jy jou in so ‘n posisie bevind, of bewus is van iemand wat ‘n pakket aangebied is, nader ons asseblief uiters dringend vir advies, aangesien verkeerde besluite wat nou geneem word jou in die kort- en langtermyn duur te staan kan kom deur onder andere belastingimplikasies.

Hier volg so paar belangrike verhogings soos deur Minister Gordhan aangekondig:
  • Persone wat meer as R1.5 miljoen per jaar inkomste verdien sal nou 45% moet afstaan aan inkomste belasting.
  • Die algemene brandstof heffing verhoog met 30c/liter en pad ongeluk fonds heffing met 9c/liter
  • Dividende belasting is verhoog van 15% na 20%.
  • Gebruikers van alkohol en tabak kan ook `n verhoging van 6%-10% verwag.
  Dis darem nie net verhogings nie, daar is ook verskeie voordele wat geniet kan word:
  • Eiendomme onder R900 000 kan nou aangekoop word sonder dat daar oordragskostes betaalbaar is.
  • Die perk op belastingvrye beleggings was verhoog van R30 000 tot R33 000 per jaar. Kontak ons gerus om meer inligting te bekom oor hoe om die voordeel ten volle te benut.
  • Tot en met 27.5% van alle aftrede bydraes kan terug ge-eis word van belasting. Belastingbetalers wat in die hoogste belasting kategorie val kan tot R350 000 van hul aftree bydrae terugeis van die ontvanger. Die maatskaplike toelaag vir pensioenarisse bo 60 was onlangs verhoog na R1600 per maand en R1620 vir pensioenarisse oor 70 jaar. Hierdie toelae skiet ver tekort in verhouding met werklike lewensonkostes. Aftreebeplanning is dus `n slim keuse vir belastingverligting asook uiters noodsaaklik.
  • Die meerderheid belastingbetalers sal minder inkomste belasting oor die volgende finansiële jaar betaal.
              Die onderstaande tabel gee voorbeelde van wat belastingbetalers in sekere kategorieë kan verwag om in die 2017/2018 belasting jaar te betaal.
Belasbare Inkomste
2017/17 Koers
2017/18 Koers
Belasting verandering (R)
% verandering
R150 000
R13 500
R13 365
R300 000
R49 780
R49 348
R500 000
R116 460
R115 824
R750 000
R213 431
R212 490
R1000 000
R315 931
R314 990
R1500 000
R520 931
R519 990
R2000 000
R725 931
R744 990

Onthou die belastingjaar het 1 Maart begin – So hou jou logboek op datum, bewaar enige fakture/strokies en hou rekord van alle mediese uigawes om belasting indiening later die jaar te vergemaklik. 

Beleggings en welvaartskepping
2016 was verseker `n wisselvallige jaar vir die markte, maar soos vroeër genoem, blyk dit wel of die markte besig is om te draai. 
Die twee tabelle hieronder is `n goeie voorbeeld van presies hoe wisselvallig die mark was. Die tabelle is gebaseer op fondse met hoë aandele blootstelling wat op lang periodes uitpresteer het en nou heelwat veld verloor het in 2016. Daarteenoor het fondse wat onder presteer het oor lang periodes, weer top presteer in 2016. 

Top 3 fondse posisies oor 3 jaar tot Des 2015
Posisie in 2016
Nr 1

Nr 102
Nr 2

Nr 92
Nr 3

Nr 98
Top 3 fondse in 2016

Posisie oor 3 jaar tot Des 2015
Nr 1

Nr 103
Nr 2

Nr 101
Nr 3
Nr 78 (*fonds bestaan sedert 1 Nov 2013)

Bostaande is weereens ‘n bewys dat niemand die markte akkuraat vooruit kan skat nie. By TVZ, wat erkende Top Fondsbestuurders beaam, is ons oortuig dat welvaartskepping oor die lang termyn slegs kan plaasvind deur:
           -  voldoende diversifikasie, 
           -  die gebruik van erkende fondsbestuurders met uitstekende resultate oor die langer termyne, 
           -  om doelgerig by jou beleggings strategie/ plan te hou deur die goeie tye asook tye van swakker opbrengs, 
           -  en om nie emosionele besluite te neem nie.

Risiko dekking: Lewens-, Ongeskiktheids- en Traumadekking
Ons kan nie genoeg die belangrikheid van Risiko dekking beklemtoon nie: Ons moedig dus al ons kliënte aan om by ons seker te maak hul en hul geliefdes is voldoende gedek is met dood, asook in geval van ongeskiktheid en trauma. Ons het onlangs `n trauma eis van `n kliënt gehad wat met kanker gediagnoseer is. Die kanker was gelukkig vroeg genoeg opgespoor en behandel. Die trauma eis het ook ten volle uitbetaal aan die kliënt sonder vertraging. Vanaf 1 April 2017 sal daar nuwe regulasies in plek wees om limiete te plaas op gapings dekking (gap cover). Dus kan ‘n gevreesde siekte buiten die emosionele impak ‘n enorme impak op jou finansiële situasie hê indien die nodige dekking nie in plek is nie.  Nader ons gerus vir ‘n volledige behoefte ontleding.

2016 was `n goeie jaar vir ons korttermyn afdeling. 90% van alle eise was uitbetaal, waar die oorblywende eise slegs as gevolg van items wat nie gedek was nie, afgekeur was. Ons wil julle graag herinner om seker te maak dat jul dekking op datum is. Indien jy onder verseker is, sal die versekeraar nie die volle bedrag uitbetaal nie.
Ons word gereeld genader deur kliënte wat wil weg beweeg van direkte versekeraars. Een groot rede is die swak diens wat hulle by die kontaksentrum ontvang. In ander gevalle is die premie wel minder as die groot versekeraars, maar daar is allerhande addisionele bybetalings bygevoeg wat maklik is om mis te kyk. By TVZ weet jy presies met wie jy praat en ons is jou kontak persoon, dus hoef jy nie elke keer met verskillende persone te praat nie. Die versekeraars wat ons van gebruik maak sal nie onnodige bybetalings op jou polisse plaas nie.  Ons sal ook seker maak dat jy as kliënt alles verstaan op jou polis kontrak.
Kontak ons gerus vir enige navrae oor korttermyn versekering.

Kom ons beoog om 2017 te spaar, om twee keer te dink voor ons onnodige uitgawes aangaan;  om skuld te verminder;  te spaar vir aftrede, onvoorsiene omstandighede, ons nageslag en ook om water te bespaar, ons waardevolste hulpbron.
Besoek gerus ons webtuiste,, of  Facebook-blad om informasie te kry oor huidige mark toestande, interessante nuus in die versekerings bedryf of om kommentaar te lewer. Ons is wel bewus dat “word of mouth” nogsteeds een van die beste maniere is van bemarking. So verwys gerus julle vriende, familie-lede of kollegas na ons vir `n gratis finansiële ontleding.

Baie groete
Van ons almal by Toni van Zyl Finansiële Dienste